We are in the closing stages of preparing the Neighbourhood Plan for our area – Semilong, Trinity and the Racecourse.
Since January 2016, we have been talking to local residents, users and businesses about what works and what doesn’t work in our area; what we love and don’t want to lose and what we find really annoying and would like to change. So we have identified our priorities – safe walking and cycling paths; better parking; safer streets and improved facilities.
On 13 September 2017, Northampton Borough Council designated the Semilong and Trinity Neighbourhood Area and Forum for the purpose of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan, the first formal step in the process. Now after further consultation, we hope shortly to put our conclusions into a formal Neighbourhood Plan. Next year, 2020, we hope to have our final Plan in place.
During 2020 -21 residents have worked with the team of Urban Designers from AECOM to produce a Design Code for the area of the Semilong and Trinity Neighborhood Plan. This Design Code identifies the characteristics of each distinct area, and provides a guide for the assessment of future development proposals and encourages high quality design.
This is an important milestone in the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan as we head to the first draft of the complete plan. Please click on the link below to view the Design Code.